If the denominators of the two fractions in addition are not the same, then they are unlike fractions. Convert 16/12 into its simplest form. The result (simplest form) will be displayed in the output field.
To Simplify A Fraction You Have To Find The Greatest Common Factor (Gcf) Of The Numerator And Denominator.
Then, divide the numerator and denominator by the common factors until they have no common factor except 1. Enter the fractional value in the input fields. \(100\) and \(133\) are the coprime numbers and their hcf is \(1\).
Enter The Fractional Value In The Input Fields.
2 / 13 therefore, 2/13 simplified to lowest terms is 2/13. Want to find complex math solutions within seconds? Thereafter, we divide both the numerator and denominator by their hcf i.e, 4.
The Greatest Common Factor (Gcf) Of The Numerator (2) And The Denominator (12).
1 2 therefore, 2/4 simplified to. The simplest form of 2 4 is 1 2. Begin dividing by a small number like 2, 3, 5, 7.
If The Denominators Of The Two Fractions In Addition Are Not The Same, Then They Are Unlike Fractions.
A common factor is a number through which both numerator and denominator can be divided. Convert 16/12 into its simplest form. To simplify fractions, write the factors of the numerator and denominator and mark the common factors in them.
Click The Button "Solve" To Get The Output.
In order to convert a fraction, into its simplest form, we first find the hcf of the numerator and denominator hcf of 16 and 12 is 4. Using the steps above, here is the work involved in the solution for fraction 2/12 to simplest form. First, count how many places are to the right of the decimal.